::GSH:: some colourful finds ;)

If there is one Hunt I have really enjoyed this Summer, it’s the Good Sh*t Hunt (charming!  Though in England we  would probably have just called it “Dump”..cringe*..enough said lolz!) .  I have only just started the hunt & there are some rather exceptional finds like the pretty “Pink Dreams” Sofa  @ Tasty, the gorgeous Paper Lanterns @ Turnips Homes & Stuff, & the HandBag & bangles @ Sea Hole . (Love this shop..it has the most delightful little dresses..swoooon ;))).  Check out the Subscribo @ Sea Hole (you will find a nice skin & pretty Grey Dress in the History tab). 

*Dress* above is LP* Designs.  The *Hair* is a Group Gift @ {fascino} (heavily edited).  Taylor *Skin* is my all time favorite at League. I love my new Laq skin but I really missed my League! *Shape* is Bluebell @ Curvy Silhouettes Shapes (New). Eyes are Umedama Holic (also on the GSH*)